1.855.204.7177 (8-4 CST, M-F) |
TABC stands for the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. Among other things, the TABC certifies and regulates courses for seller-server training. This training is also commonly referred to as TABC certification. The TABC has certified TABCpermit.com as an approved TABC certification training school. Individuals that successfully complete the TABCpermit.com certification course are issued an official TABC certificate.
TABC certification is the process for sellers and servers of alcoholic beverages in Texas to become trained in the safe sale and service of alcohol. The Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission began certifying alcohol sellers-servers over 20 years ago. An official TABC certification is proof that you have completed an approved TABC certification program and that the TABC recognizes you as a certified seller-server of alcoholic beverages in the State of Texas.
Becoming TABC certified is an important step in ensuring that you serve and sell alcohol responsibly. In some cases, you may receive a lower penalty for violating a sales or service law if you have been TABC certified. Your employer may also require that you be TABC certified before you begin work.
The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) approves and authorizes training schools to provide TABC certification courses. Our course is approved by the TABC and contains all the necessary information for you to receive your TABC certification. All you have to do is enroll and complete our online TABC course and pass the online final exam. From the moment you pass the exam, you are TABC certified and you can print your official TABC certificate. Your official TABC certificate will also be emailed to you and you can login to your account at anytime to print a copy of your TABC certificate. We will upload your TABC training record into the the TABC database.
TABC certification is not mandatory in the state of Texas. The TABC strongly suggests that Licensees require TABC training for their employees. Most employers in Texas require TABC certification. TABC certification must be provided by an approved school. (TABCPermit.com is an approved TABC certification provider.)
TABC certification is valid for two years from the date of course completion. You can renew your certification every two years by taking our online TABC course and passing the online exam again. You do not have to wait for your TABC certification to expire before renewing your TABC. As a service we will email you, at the email address you provide during registration, 60 and 30 days prior to when your current TABC certification is about to expire.
No, anyone can take our TABC course and get certified. However there are age restrictions on what age you can sell or serve alcohol. For specific age requirements check out TABC Code Sec. 106.09 Employment of Minors.
The only restriction for becoming TABC certified is that you must have a valid social security number or worker ID number. TABC certification has no age restrictions or criminal restrictions.
Yes, TABCpermit.com is an official TABC certification training school. We have been certifying sellers and servers of alcohol in Texas since 2006. Our official TABC program number is 535-608. You can view our TABC program approval on the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission website.
Our online TABC certification course can be taken as quickly as you need. The course covers 2 hours worth of content; however, students renewing their TABC, may like to move past content they are already familiar with, so our TABC course is self-paced (no timer). Get your TABC certification as fast as you would like. You just need to be able to pass the lesson quizzes and final exam.
The TABCpermit.com online TABC certification course is made up of an introduction, four lessons (each followed by a short quiz), a conclusion, and an online final exam. 70% is the passing score of the exam to become officially TABC certified. Check out the TABC Certification page for a detailed course outline.
Yes, if you enroll in our course we provide materials that you can download and reference to use during your certification period. While in the course, you can use our course outline to review material before taking the final exam.
The TABC requires us to collect both your date of birth and social security number for reporting purposes. This information is stored securely in our network and will never be distributed to any outside person or organization except the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
The TABC requires us to collect your social security number before you begin the TABC training. If you do not have a social security number, you cannot take our online TABC training course.
Your official TABC certificate with have your TABC certificate number, your full name, the expiration date of your TABC certification, the trainer signature and the seal from your training provider. The certificate number issued to you is a unique number that was issued to the provider.
Yes, you will need to renew your TABC certification every 2 years. Renewal is easy at TABCpermit.com since the course is self-paced with no timer, just pass the quizzes, pass the final exam and print your TABC certificate.
The TABC does not have special TABC certificate renewal process and there is not a shorter renewal course. You must complete the TABC training course every two years and pass the final exam in order to renew your TABC certification. However, our no timer TABC course makes it easy to renew your certification. Returning students will receive a reminder email when your current TABC certificate is about to expire.
To update information in your account, log in with your username and password. You will be on the My Account page. Click "Modify Account Information" in the Student Information section. You will then be able to edit your student and/or billing information and save it.
The TABC maintains an online certification database of all TABC completions statewide. They allow you access to your information on their TABC inquiry tool. You can look up your training record by following the Certificate Inquiry instructions on the TABC website. Employers can also use the tool to verify if their employee is TABC certified.
If you completed the TABC training course through TABCpermit.com, or through a website that uses the TABCpermit.com program, we enter your TABC certification information into the official TABC database within 3 business days from when you completed the course. If it has been more than 3 business days from the date you completed the course and you are not in the TABC training database, please contact our Support Team.
Yes, you can use the printout of your TABC certification record from the TABC database as proof of certification. You do not have to have a copy of your official TABC certificate to show proof of TABC certification. Most employers and all TABC staff will accept a printout of your certification record from the TABC database as proof that you are TABC certified.
No, the TABC certification course has an end of course test. All TABC providers must administer an exam. You must pass the test to become TABC certified.
The final exam consists of 25 multiple-choice questions. The questions on the test are from topics that are covered in the TABC course. You must score at least 70% in order to pass the exam, which means you can answer no more than 7 incorrectly.
TABCpermit.com has a 100% pass guarantee. If you fail the final exam twice, the TABC requires that you retake the course. With TABCpermit.com, you can take the course as many times as necessary to receive a passing score on the final exam, at no additional charge.
The course should prompt you to click start over to begin your new course. If your course does not show a start over link, please contact our Support Team and a representative will make the necessary changes to your account for you to continue.
Unfortunately no, the TABC certification test is the property of the TABC and to keep the integrity of the TABC test, we cannot provide this information to you.
No, when you buy the package you are buying 2 courses. Both courses will be listed in your account separately.
No, you can take either course at any time. You do not have to complete one before starting the other. Your place in the courses will be saved where you left off.
Being an accredited or approved Food Handler provider means that the course material has been reviewed by the DSHS (Department of State Health Services) to ensure that the laws concerning safe food handling are covered in this course. Some cities require you to register the certificate of completion or 'card' you are issued from the end of this course with them. You can check with your local health department to see if you need to register your card.
Yes, our program, License #66, is an accredited program that is recognized statewide by regulatory authorities as the valid proof of successful completion of a department accredited food handler education or training program. This was authorized under Texas Health and Safety Code §438.046.
If your county or city of employment requires ANSI accreditation then this course certificate will not be accepted.
You will have access in your training account to print additional copies of the card issued at the end of this course. However, if you lose a secondary Food Handler Card issued by your local health department, you will need to contact them for a replacement.
When enrolling in a TABCPermit.com online course, there is a place to enter the discount code on the Review Order page. Find where it says "Use A Discount or Pre-Paid Code", enter the code in the discount code field, and click "Apply Code".
You must click "Apply Code" after you enter the code to modify the order price. If you do not, the discount will not be applied.
TABCPermit.com accepts all major credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
** Please note, our system does not accept pre-paid credit cards or pre-paid debit cards unless they are registered online with the information on the back of the card. Our system does not accept gift cards.
Using another person's credit card (with their permission of course) is perfectly acceptable. To do this, enter your information on the Student Info page during the enrollment process. On the Payment Information page, enter the card information and other required information for the person whose card you are using. Click "Complete Order" to save this information.
On the Payment Information page during enrollment, verify your card type, card number and expiration date. Click "Complete Order" to save the updated payment information and then attempt to purchase the course again.
You will need to call the customer service number on the back of your credit card to verify that you have the required funds to complete the transaction.
We will issue a refund for a period of thirty (30) days after the purchase of any course through this website. The purchaser may receive a 100% refund so long as all the following provisions are met:
Please contact Customer Support to request a refund.
If the web page gets refreshed or the back browser button is used during the order processing, a duplicate charge can occur. Please contact Customer Support within 30 days for a refund.
We offer corporate accounts for any establishment that has several employees that need their TABC certification. A corporate account is free to set up and easy to use. We will create a special code that your employees will use to access the online TABC training course. Each month, we will send you an invoice and a report of your employees that purchased the TABC training course. If you would like to set up a corporate account, simply fill out our online Corporate Account Request Form and we will contact you within 24 business hours to set up your account.
Yes, after enrolling in the online course, you can start the course whenever you are ready. You have six months from the date you purchase to complete it, unless otherwise stated on course information page.
Your position in the online course is saved as you advance through each scene. You will always begin from where you last left off. You have six months from the date you purchase the course to complete it, unless otherwise stated on course information page.
* Please note that some final exams are timed. If you close the course while in a timed final, you will have to start over from the beginning of the course. You will be warned if the final exam is timed.
No, you can log in/log out of the online training at anytime. Your position in the course will be saved and you will continue from where you last left off when you log in again.
Please see our
You can also check out the Technical Support FAQs.
The certificate is available in 2 different file formats. The 1st format is called a PDF and requires Adobe Reader software to open it. The 2nd format is called a JPG. This format requires basic image software that most computers have standard. If you still need help please contact
For security reasons, name changes cannot be altered by the student. Please contact
Most certificates/permits we issue can be reprinted from your account. Please log in and go to the My Account page. Next to the completed course it will say 'Get Certificate.' Click this link and a new window will open with the steps to print additional copies.*
* Please note some official certificates are NOT printable and are instead issued by the state. If this is the case, when you open the printable certificate in your account, it will state that it is a temporary certificate.
Courses vary in their certificate delivery method. Most certificates/permits are printable directly from your account. However please see the Certificate section on your specific course page for more information about how your certificate will be delivered.
* If you ordered and paid for mail delivery service and have not received your certificate please contact
Some of our sites use an email address as your unique username to create an account in our system. You can use services such as Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo to register for a free email address, if you do not already have one.
Our courses/exams will work on almost any computer or mobile device with Internet access. Prior to beginning the course(s), our system will check your computer to ensure it meets the minimum requirements. If your computer does not meet these requirements, you will be instructed on how to continue.
Yes, the courses/exams on our website are mobile friendly and will work on smart phones, tablets and desktop computers. The course will work best on newer versions of web browsers.
If you have already registered for the course and the system to asking for you to purchase the course again, then the system is not recognizing your username and/or password and cannot log you in. If you see the words LOGIN at the top of the home page, you are not logged in.
The passwords are cap sensitive and need to be entered exactly as when you registered.
If you still cannot get logged in, please go to our
To update information in your account, log back into your account. You will be on the My Account page. Click Modify Account Information. You will then be able to edit your student and/or billing information and save it.
* Please Note: your name, along with other personal information, may not be available for edit, please contact
Your course will be located on the My Account page after you log in to your account. You will click the green play button next to the course title to begin. If you have done that, and the course still does not appear, then it could be one of these issues:
If you still need help, go to our
If the course player window opens but it is blank or grayed out, your firewall maybe blocking the course content from displaying. You will need to go into your Internet options and modify your security settings to allow this site.
If you still need help, go to our
Yes, this website is safe and your information is secure. We utilize a GeoTrust SSL certificate enabling up to 256-bit SSL encryption, which is the latest in SSL encryption technology, to ensure your data is secure. 256-bit SSL certificates are the strongest SSL certificates available. GeoTrust is a trusted security partner with a proven track record for reliability and quality and their 256-bit SSL certificates give users an easy way to determine if a site is trustworthy and legitimate. When a user visits a site utilizing a 256-bit SSL certificate, the browser displays a lock at the top or bottom of the browser window. In addition to offering you the most secure SSL certificate, we also undergo a daily 3rd party security audit. The McAfee Secure logo (shown in the lower, left-hand corner of your browser) means our site is tested and certified daily to pass the McAfee security scan. This security audit means your data is safe from identity theft and credit card fraud.
During most training and purchase transactions, the parent company, Diversys Learning Inc., collects certain personal information about you. This information will never be made available to organizations outside of Diversys Learning Inc., without your consent. This information will not be packaged or sold to any 3rd party entity without your permission.
Diversys Learning Inc., takes your security and privacy seriously. In some areas of our systems, you may be asked to provide information that helps us support you. This information will remain confidential and only used by Diversys Learning Inc.; to help foster a better and more efficient support environment.
For our e-learning system clients, any and all information collected by Diversys Learning Inc. through our partners learning portals will be solely owned by our partner. Diversys Learning Inc. retains no rights or license to this information.
In some situations, Diversys Learning Inc. may be required to disclose information for law enforcement, regulation, fraud prevention, or if Diversys Learning Inc. believes this disclosure necessary to protect Diversys Learning Inc. or its customers.
To view our Privacy Policy, click on the link at the bottom of the page.
For more information about Diversys Learning Inc.'s privacy policies, please contact us at support@diversyslearning.com.